(Reuters Health) - Long after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued recalls for dietary supplements tainted with banned drugs, more than half of the tainted supplements were still available for purchase, a new study found. (READ FULL STORY HERE)
(Tech Times) "What we found was alarming," he said. "The system for getting these drugs off the market is clearly not working." One or more banned drugs were found in nearly 67 percent of the supplements purchased, the researchers said. Insufficient oversight bye the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is one part of the problem; another is drug makers considering profits before public health, Cohen said. (READ FULL STORY HERE)
(CBS NEWS) Dietary supplements containing potentially dangerous prescription drug ingredients may still be for sale even years after safety recalls, a study found.In supplements bought online, researchers detected hidden steroids, similar ingredients to Viagra and Prozac and a weight loss drug linked with heart attacks. (READ STORY HERE)
(NBC NEWS) In supplements bought online, researchers detected hidden steroids, similar ingredients to Viagra and Prozac and a weight loss drug linked with heart attacks. (READ FULL STORY HERE)
(Today's Dietitian) The FDA initiates class I drug recalls when products have the reasonable possibility of causing serious adverse health consequences or death. Recently, the FDA has used class I drug recalls in an effort to remove dietary supplements adulterated with pharmaceutical ingredients from US markets. Prior research has found that even after FDA recalls, dietary supplements remain available on store shelves. (READ FULL STORY HERE)
I don't know about you, but according to these articles, it sure doesn't sound like a bunch of "all natural", "healthy greens" to me!
For educational and reference purposes of how one particular dietary supplement continues to be marketed as "all natural" and "healthy greens" in spite of an FDA warning letter. (Reference video: https://youtu.be/5y0SP4AN6gg?t=7m24s)
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