This is a “condensed” version of the detailed nightmare in this section.
Thank you Ethan Vanderbuilt for your continued efforts to expose these scams!
The Plexus Scam From The Inside Out
Ethan-Vanderbuilt October 15, 2015 The Plexus Scam From The Inside Out Scams To Avoid 2 Comments
October 2013
It began with a phone call from me to a Diamond Ambassador with this MLM pink drink weight loss company, she and the company had been highly recommended. The very first thing she suggested was I watch her video as it explained the product line and the business opportunity in detail.
NOTE: (Although this video is no longer shown publicly, I show it here because it was a major influence in my decision and what I was told to watch to base that decision on. It remained in public circulation long after the product change, which meant people were basing a decision to join this company on product (s) that no longer existed.)
NOTE: (Although this video is no longer shown publicly, I show it here because it was a major influence in my decision and what I was told to watch to base that decision on. It remained in public circulation long after the product change, which meant people were basing a decision to join this company on product (s) that no longer existed.)
Then she sent me a copy of her pay outs from her back office, $155,701 in just 9 months done mostly online. Also, she suggested I read the testimonials about the products, including hers.
"Being overweight is a worldwide epidemic. In addition to normal concerns of clothes not fitting, lack of energy, and low self-esteem, being overweight can lead to other more serious health concerns.
Finally, there is an all-natural, healthy solution to help you lose weight. The synergistic effect of Plexus Slim and Accelerator taken together can help you lose more weight—faster than you ever thought possible! Combined with the other Plexus weight loss products, you can experience quick results and keep the weight off." – Source 2013
I was so excited! Plexus Worldwide had products that WORKED! People were feeling better, losing weight and making money. I felt I had finally connected with something that would be life changing for me and others.
December 2013
Then it began… the phone calls and returns because people did not experience advertised results to “lose weight faster than you ever imagined”, or their diabetes became worse or had no change at all. And to top it off, I wasn’t experiencing results either. What was going on here? There was so much more than a product not being effective, my credibility and integrity were at stake!
April 2014
I began asking questions when every product I sold was returned or people never reordered. It sure didn't appear to be a "supply/demand" issue in my world.
I began asking questions when every product I sold was returned or people never reordered. It sure didn't appear to be a "supply/demand" issue in my world.
I asked specifically if the products had been changed, as I could not understand for the life of me how a product could work for so many and do nothing for the thirty plus people I gave it to. Nope. No change to the drink, only to the accelerator. My upline just couldn’t understand why I was having such a problem with this.
The only advice I received was to take other products in addition to the Plexus Slim and Accelerator, like Bio Cleanse, Pro Bio 5, and XFactor Vitamins.
HUH? What about the "just drink pink and shrink" that was plastered (and still is) all over the internet? What about "Experience the powerful one-two punch of taking Plexus Slim and Accelerator. With the synergistic effect of taking these two products together, you lose more weight - faster than you ever thought possible!"
The company experienced massive momentum in 2011, 2012 and most of 2013 because people experienced RESULTS with the three day trial and joined the company because of that. People achieved ranks quickly because of the dynamic duo of Plexus Slim and
Accelerator. When they reformulated Plexus Slim and the Accelerator (Nov 2013, 2 weeks after I joined), things began to go backwards and recruiting became stagnant. That is bad news since one does not achieve rank without building a team, aka: recruiting. Oh wait, isn’t that a Pyramid?
The key ingredient that was removed? Oxypregnane Steroidal Glycoside aka: Hoodia.
Know what it is supposed to do? CONTROL APPETITE.
The dialogue began to shift from weight loss to health. REALLY? It is marketed as a WEIGHT LOSS product! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
I was growing weary due to lack of advertised /promoted results from the product, but when they REMOVED the rank of my downline, that’s when I began to seriously question the integrity of Plexus Worldwide. As you can see from the chart above, bonuses are achieved at every level and Gold (downline’s achieved status) is entitled $250.
I was sure this must be some kind of mistake, but it wasn’t. Someone on her team returned product in May (month AFTER production was met) and that’s what they based her rank removal on. I asked where I could find that in the compensation plan. Their answer?
“When there is a dispute in regard to rank advancement, the compensation plan is not specific. We are in the process of rewording the compensation plan but not sure when that will be released.”
This correspondence went on from May 2014 – Sept 2014. You are welcome to read in complete detail here.
I never received anything but the classic “run around” from Plexus and was referenced to compliance as the one who sent numerous letters to the company about the comp plan and got really ugly with the Execs of Plexus (I guess because I wanted a legitimate answer). I was also referenced as a “crazy woman”, “nut job” and “bat crazy”.
On Oct 2, 2014 I tried logging into my back office but couldn’t so I wrote to find out why. This is the letter I received from compliance:
Thank you for contacting Plexus Worldwide.
It has been alleged that you have been in violation of the Code of Ethics in Plexus’ Policies and Procedures, which states:
As a Plexus Worldwide Inc. Independent Ambassador:
I will conduct my business in an honest, ethical manner at all times. I will not make disparaging remarks about Plexus Worldwide Inc., its products, officers, employees and Ambassadors. As well as, other products, services, or companies; likewise, I will not willfully denigrate the activities or personalities of fellow Independent Ambassadors. Any violation of the above ethics is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of the Ambassadorship.
Plexus has conducted a thorough investigation of this matter and determine whether you have violated this policy. Your Plexus Ambassadorship has been placed on a one year suspension. One year from this date you may reapply for an Ambassadorship.
Plexus requests that you cease and desist from recruiting Plexus distributors into any other company. Plexus reminds you that pursuant to your agreement with Plexus you are legally prohibited from recruiting, directly or indirectly, your current or former Plexus down-line, and from disclosing or using any information about Plexus distributors, including contact information, in the course of your competing business.
Effects of Suspension for Breach of Contract.
1. An Ambassador who’s Contract is suspension by the Company must wait one (1) year before applying for a new Ambassadorship. During that time, the Ambassador can have no Beneficial Interest in any other Ambassadorship. Prior to applying, he or she must first petition the Company through the Compliance department. The petition will include an affidavit that must be signed under penalty of perjury and notarized in which the Ambassador confirms that he or she has had no Beneficial Interest in any Ambassadorship during the prior one year.
Cody Mantle
Compliance Regulatory MonitorPlexus Worldwide, Inc.15649 N. Greenway Hayden LoopScottsdale, AZ 85260Phone:
Ticket History *Janie Wilson* (Client) Posted On: 02 October 2014 09:57 PM
Wow! I never received a phone call, letter of termination, nothing till I received the above on October 2.
So, I wrote back and asked:
What exactly is the violation and the evidence of this allegation?
Are you ready?
Plexus values all of its ambassadors and customers. Unfortunately change is a uncontrollable side effect to success. If an individual is unmotivated or unhappy Plexus is happy to work with those individuals to find a solution. But Plexus does not except its ambassadors to publicly make disparaging remarks about the company, employees or fellow ambassadors. We wish you the best in all of your future success.
Cody MantleCompliance Regulatory MonitorPlexus Worldwide, Inc.15649 N. Greenway Hayden LoopScottsdale, AZ 85260Phone:
WHAT? I was never shown the allegation, never contacted, just terminated.
Plexus Worldwide continues to boast how quickly their company has grown as well as being a debt free company. Considering there are numerous reports of Plexus Worldwide charging the annual $34.95 fee to unsuspecting past ambassadors (those who resigned), as well as active ambassadors creating bogus ambassador accounts to rise in rank, it’s a fabulous appearance of growth. I call it lies, deception and unethical business practices.
As of March, 2015 Plexus Worldwide claimed to have 220,000 Ambassadors x $34.95 = $7,689,000.00. No wonder they make it so easy to join and so difficult to resign!
NEVER in my 35 year career have I experienced a company as ignorant, unprofessional, lackadaisical and unethical as Plexus Worldwide.
Plexus Worldwide was not the first scam I danced with, but it is the last.
For unbiased product reviews please visit:
Then join at your own risk.
Then join at your own risk.
November 2013 ~ Hope Is Born...
I achieved my first goal, the rank of Silver Ambassador and was already making money! I couldn't believe I got a paycheck my first month! Not huge, but sure helped out with Christmas which was right around the corner.
I was telling everyone I knew (and then some) about this incredible product and opportunity! I was so excited about a product that could help so many ailments, people lose weight almost effortlessly (at least that's how it was sold to me in my conversation with "SD") and coach others to achieve their financial dreams!
I went to the company's Facebook testimonial group where there were literally
THOUSANDS of testimonials. Diabetics off insulin, people off high blood pressure medication, fibromyalgia relief, migraines eliminated, even helped children with ADHD and women get pregnant!
I went to the company's Facebook testimonial group where there were literally
THOUSANDS of testimonials. Diabetics off insulin, people off high blood pressure medication, fibromyalgia relief, migraines eliminated, even helped children with ADHD and women get pregnant!
Are you kidding me? THIS is what I'd been looking for! Help others feel better, look better, live better and make great money while doing it! I woke every morning excited, full of purpose and passion because FINALLY I had a product that did what it said it would! Something I could believe in and confidently share with others, ... BE THE DIFFERENCE they were searching for!
After too many years of broken dreams, loss and grief, the spark of hope began to ignite.....
January 2014 ~ MLM Cocaine...
The "famous" SD, Diamond Ambassador came to Knoxville for a guest event. She was electric and so convincing! The room was charged with excitement! This was exactly what I needed to propel me to the next level of Gold Ambassador. I was unstoppable! And those people who weren't seeing results? Well... obviously THEY weren't doing it right! Yeah, MLM cocaine will convince you of whatever you wanna hear.....
Yeah, it came TWO WEEKS later.....
From: Commissions
Sent: Thu, May 29, 2014 6:31 pm
Hello Ambassador,Thank you for contacting us regarding your rank, we apologize for the delay in responding. We understand your frustration, however, points and rank can be affect the commission month by activity in your dowline after month end. This can be a result of refunds, declined payment for orders, or backup order turned on and off (resulting in compression or decompression). It is difficult to identify exactly how the change occurred, but we were able to identify a possible explanation. xxxxxx your level 2 ambassador, refunded her order dated April 25, 2024 on May 12th. This resulted in a 5 point deficit from your total points. There may be other adjustments that occurred as well, but this is the first instance we could identify. We wish we could have a more favorable reply. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
STEP 3: Another letter from company re: rank removal
(get ready...... you're gonna LOVE this answer! LOL)
Date: Fri, 30 May 2014
From: Customer Service
Thank you for contacting "Company Worldwide". We are happy to assist you.When there is a dispute in regard to rank advancement, the compensation plan is not specific. We are in the process of rewording the compensation plan but not sure when that will be released. An Ambassador must maintain the their rank until commissions have been finalized to advance to the next rank.If you have any further questions please contact us.
Step 4: I respond to above letter re: rank removal
WHAT??? I had to look several times to make sure I read that correctly! I've never heard a corporate response so stupid! SERIOUSLY? "The compensation plan is not "specific"?
Date: Fri, 30 May 2014
To: Customer Service
Thank you for your reply, however this lack of "specification" causes me great concern regarding the integrity of Company Worldwide. I've been in sales a long time and this is a very disappointing "first", as I've ALWAYS been paid the following month for work done the previous month, any adjustments are made on the next month paycheck. For legal purposes, I hope to see a revised specification soon.
Step 5: June 2014 ~ The Winds of Frustration Blow
So I wrote a letter to the CEO of the company for answers to my question regarding advancement ranks, as no one else seemed to have them or care.
Step 6: I write executives of Company Worldwide for answer re: rank removal
(since there is yet to be a logical answer proven by comp plan)
Step 6: I write executives of Company Worldwide for answer re: rank removal
June 9 , 2014
My letter to Executives asking for an answer
I am writing in reference to a recent challenge with a level one ambassador regarding rank achievement. Here is what happened.
According to my Ambassador Genealogy Report on April 30 through May 14, she was a "Gold" Ambassador. On May 15 her rank was then listed as "Silver". I have been told numerous times once a rank is achieved it cannot be taken away.
At this point let me add that Company Worldwide Customer Service has been outstanding and through this process could not have been kinder. However, no one has been able to give a logical reason, explanation or documentation as to why the Gold status was removed.
There were auto qualifications turned off in May, however (according to the photo below) the End Of Pay Period (EOP) Cycle was April 30, 2014. I understood this to mean that we are paid the following month for work done in the previous calendar month. Is that correct? So can you answer my question as to why a status was removed if it was achieved within the said pay period? In continuation, the Ambassador finally received an email response on May 29, 2014 (see email below) in answer to her original email/question on May 16:
RE: Why did I go from Gold back to silver when it showed I hit Gold!!!
Hello xxxxxx,Thank you for contacting us regarding your rank, we apologize for the delay in responding. We understand your frustration, however, points and rank can be affect the commission month by activity in your dowline after month end. This can be a result of refunds, declined payment for orders, or backup order turned on and off (resulting in compression or decompression). It is difficult to identify exactly how the change occurred, but we were able to identify a possible explanation. xxxxxx your level 2 ambassador, refunded her order dated April 25, 2024 on May 12th. This resulted in a 5 point deficit from your total points. There may be other adjustments that occurred as well, but this is the first instance we could identify. We wish we could have a more favorable reply. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
This is where my confusion kicks in: "points and rank can affect the commission month by activity in your downline after month end. "AFTER month end"?
I have been in sales a long time and any company I represented (including other MLM's), whatever happened after the end of the month was adjusted the NEXT pay period. The compensation plan makes no mention of this ANYWHERE.
Furthermore, I'm sure you will understand my shock and utter disbelief at the response I received on May 30 from the Ambassador Relations Center. (see email below)
Thank you for contacting Company Worldwide. We are happy to assist you. When there is a dispute in regard to rank advancement, the compensation plan is not specific. We are in the process of rewording the compensation plan but not sure when that will be released. An Ambassador must maintain the their rank until commissions have been finalized to advance to the next rank.If you have any further questions please contact us.
As I re-read "the compensation plan is not specific. We are in the process of rewording the compensation plan but not sure when that will be released." I could not believe my eyes! I've never had such a vague response to a question in my life, especially from a professional corporation.
Then I see that "an Ambassador must maintain their rank until commissions have been finalized to advance to the next rank." Where does it say that in the compensation plan? No date is given as to when commissions are "finalized". Is it by the 30th of the month or the 15th of the following month? So does that also mean that if someone doesn't achieve the desired rank by the end of the month they can still make it by time commissions are "finalized" whenever that is?
I was so very impressed with P and understand the growing pains of a new company. However, I value my integrity and that of any company or product I represent. The above statements about the compensation plan not being "specific" and "in process of rewording", gives me great concern as to the ethics and integrity of P.
I hope to receive a logical answer backed up by documentation as to why this happened. I appreciate your taking the time to read my email and look forward seeing "network marketing as it could be done, and as it should be done".
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014
Janie, I will forward this to the proper department and have them respond.Thanks for all your efforts.T-
Step 8: I RESPOND TO CEO'S BIG RESPONSE... what is normal response time?
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014
Hi T and thank you for your prompt reply to my situation. I don't know what department this was referred to, but I have yet to hear anything. What is the company's response time to ambassador relations? I wrote to you and Mr. P because no one else responds. I have yet to hear from Mr. P or anyone else other than you regarding this situation. All I want is a legitimate explanation backed by documentation as to why this occurred. Thank you for your time and I look forward to resolving this in a more timely fashion.
July 2014 ~ Avoidance ~ In Hopes I'll Go Away...
Not on your life!!
On July 12, 2014 I send yet ANOTHER letter (almost two months into this with no definitive answer)
All I wanted was for someone to tell me why. A simple answer and SHOW me in the compensation plan. Then I could let it go.....
All I wanted was for someone to tell me why. A simple answer and SHOW me in the compensation plan. Then I could let it go.....
NOPE! Didn't happen....
It was time for yet ANOTHER letter (yeah I know, it's crazy!)
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2014
From: Janie Wilson
Dear T,I have been waiting on contact from the department this was referred to on June 9, and still no reply. What is the normal response time to a situation? I know to this company our little team is just another number, that seems to happen once a company begins growing. However to some of us, it was our last hope for a brighter future, a new beginning, allowing our hearts to finally believe in opportunity and people again. I've been in sales a long time and successful in another direct sales/MLM company. When I left I swore "never again" and I meant it... until P.
I poured my heart and soul into this opportunity and brought others with me, believing that somehow P was different. We felt more alive and purposeful than we had in years, believing we had something that truly made a difference in the lives of others for health and wealth.
I brought in my dear friend and she was truly the "ying" in my "yang" until May 15, 2014 at which time her Gold status was removed. I have lost her, as this destroyed her belief (and mine) in not only the business opportunity, but the integrity of the company as a whole.
All we wanted was a specific,legitimate explanation within the compensation plan as to why a rank reached on the 30th of the month was removed on the 15th of the following month. If the information exists, why is it so difficult to provide?
It matters not what or how it is "re-worded" AFTER April 30, 2014, rather what
the compensation plan stated on THAT date. I expected more from the Ambassador relations department and "diamond liaison" than a mere email stating the compensation plan was not "specific" and was being "re-written" Really? That's the most unprofessional statement I have ever heard.
I'm unsure at this point about my future with P. My belief in the product began to waiver when I had several returning the product due to lack of results and went from 38 customers to 1. It's difficult to believe in and sell something that doesn't seem to work for the vast majority. When I tried to get answers all I was met with was "I have no idea" or "that puzzles me" or "I don't know" or as in this case, ignorance.
Furthermore, my observation at the rate in which some achieved diamond status brings me to question if the lines were loaded in the beginning for those who had success and connections with other MLM companies.
This letter is no longer about my ambassador, she's done, it is to clear my own conscience. People came into this business based on MY credibility which has quickly diminished. As I stated, all I want is to see in writing what the compensation plan stated on April 30, 2014 regarding Gold Rank Achievement. Continued ignorance to this situation gives me confirmation that I need to contact those I sponsored and make them aware of this experience and to proceed as they see fit.
These are not numbers, they are REAL, LIVING PEOPLE, who invested much more than money. They gave their heart, their trust, their last hope, belief, and dream to your company. I hope and pray you will take that into consideration in future endeavors with others.I hope to hear from you or someone with documented answers no later than July 15, 2014, SIXTY days after first inquiry.
July 15, 2014 Jason from customer service contacts me
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014
From: Customer Service
Thank you for contacting. We are happy to assist you.I am sorry to hear you are having response issues. My name is Jason!! I would be happy to be your customer service contact. Respond only to this string email and it will come Directly to me. I am with the Ambassador e-mail team. What specifics questions can I answer? I did read your concerns but may not have seen all of your correspondence. Where there specific questions about the Compensation plan you are concerned with. How may I help you and your partners?
STEP 10 - July 16, 2014 I responded to Jason's letter in detail (never heard from him again)
Hi Jason,Thank you so very much for your response! I've probably spoken with you on the phone as we have contacted customer service numerous times, but no one can answer my original question. This began May 15 with regards to my ambassador's rank removal.
Here is what happened. According to my Ambassador Genealogy Report on April 30 through May 14,she was a "Gold" Ambassador. On May 15 her rank was then listed as "Silver". I have been told numerous times that once a rank is achieved it cannot be taken away. No one has been able to give a logical reason, explanation or documentation as to "why" the Gold status was removed. There were auto qualifications turned off in May, however (according to the photo below the End Of Pay Period (EOP) Cycle was April 30, 2014.
I understood this to mean that we are paid the following month for work done in the previous calendar month. Is that correct? So can you answer my question as to why a status was removed if it was achieved within the said pay period?
The ambassador was the backbone of my business, she PERSONALLY sponsored 27 people! And she was denied gold status because ONE person returned product AFTER April 30?
Are you KIDDING me???
P lost a diamond ambassador when they made that decision. No one reached out to her, NO ONE, to try and help, which is very disheartening to both of us. It certainly appears to be true that once a company begins to grow and those who have thousands in their downline, one leg doesn't matter. However that "leg" is not just another number, it's LIVES of people who put their trust and belief in this company.
In conclusion Jason, I appreciate your listening (reading) this lengthy email but I needed you to understand where I am coming from and what has transpired thus far. I have made it as clear as possible and hope you will be able to answer my question.
Again, the question is...."Can someone provide legal documentation from the compensation plan (as it was on April 30, 2014) where it states rank achievement is determined the 15th of the FOLLOWING month or the date in which commissions are finalized."
Thank you for your time and concern to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.
Janie Wilson,
Thank you for contacting Company Worldwide. We are happy to assist you.
There are occasions where an ambassador may lose/drop rank.
If they remove their own auto qualification, this sends them to a status of being a P Ambassdor-(representative) which in turn, the ambassador is no longer making sales/commissions.
Now depending on how the ambassador is building their business with new ambassadors signing up underneath them, this can raise their current level from (ex: silver-gold, gold to senior gold, etc). However, if the ambassadors does have their own individual team members removing their auto qualification, not making the $100 sales quota, or canceling their own account, all of these potential situations can affect the current rank, and lower their status, and earnings total.
Also remember, that the ambassador themselves, must be commission qualified, and have the auto qualification on each month to maintain their current rank.
If you have any further questions please contact us
STEP 11 - Thurs, July 17, 2014 I respond to Daniel at Plexus Customer Service
Hi Daniel,Thank you for contacting me, however I've explained everything over and over again, and to "Jason" who contacted me from customer service yesterday. I'm not going to go through it all again, it should be well documented by now.
This is ridiculous. We've been at this for sixty one days, and not you or anyone else can give me a DIRECT, LEGALLY DOCUMENTED explanation as to why this happened. The truth is, there is NOTHING in the compensation plan that states such!
Here is my question. "Can someone provide legal documentation from the compensation plan (as it was on April 30, 2014) where it states rank achievement is determined AFTER the end of the month or the date in which commissions are finalized."
Either answer it by showing me IN THE COMPENSATION PLAN where it states it or don't answer. Do NOT send me another "scenario"! I'm sick and tired of what is supposed to be a professional company dancing around the issue.
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2014
Janie Wilson,
Thank you for contacting Company Worldwide. We are happy to assist you.
I do apologize that there seems to be some confusion, however as stated in the commissions chart you can clearly see.
The amount of personally sponsored ambassadors that you must have sponsored, how many points out of the primary leg, and the total of points necessary to require for all compensation.
If an ambassador does lose potential business such as ambassadors no longer continuing, not making the qualifying marks such as $100 in sales, auto qualification(back up order) on, and their yearly renewal up to date.
If you take the time to overlook the compensation plan, it does clearly state the conditions necessary. If they are not met, then the ambassador loses compensation/earnings,
If you have any further questions please contact us.
Sincerely,Ambassador Relations Center
STEP 12: July 18, 2014 - Janie responds to Daniel's condescending message
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2014
Thank you for your prompt reply. However it might be wise on your part to do your homework in the future before you make assumptions. We've all read the compensation plan, inside and out, including our upline and the many we have spoken with in customer service. We are well aware of what it says. ALL of the requirements according to the compensation plan were met on April 30 as clearly stated in all the previous emails.
According to the said "compensation plan", page 4:
"Sponsor and maintain". For how long?
According to page 11 of the "compensation plan"
"issued the 15th of the following month". Says NOTHING about revoking commissions on the 15th of the month.
ANY company I have been affiliated with I am paid on the 15th of the next month for work accomplished in the prior month, not 15 days into the next. Any returns were charged back the following month.
So answer the question - where in the compensation plan does it state that all ambassadors on a team must remain active through the 15th of the following month? Are achievements based on current month or 15 days into the next? If that is stated in the compensation plan, then by all means, highlight and send it to me.
I know this has probably been a little boring to most of you, unless, like me,you lived it. However it needs to be said because it is my journey and leads to my eventual termination.
My purpose is to reveal the lack of integrity of this company and others like them.
STEP 13: July 19, 2014 Sent detailed letter to Plexus Worldwide regarding unresolved issue
Dear Plexus (and all those who have been involved in this process the last 63 days)
This letter is a summary of events regarding Gold rank removal of Ambassador #000000.
1. The ONLY thing I want is documentation WITHIN THE COMPANY WORLDWIDE COMPENSATION PLAN as it was written on April 30, 2014, that "points and rank can be affected after month end" or end of pay period, and "an ambassador must maintain their rank until commissions have been finalized" as well as the date of commission finalization.
It seems no one within the Company Worldwide Corporation can identify this within the Company Worldwide Compensation Plan.
2. Rank Achievement Dispute. Here is what happened. According to my Ambassador Genealogy Report, on April 30 through May 14, Ambassador #000000 was listed as a "Gold" Ambassador. On May 15 her rank was removed and she was listed as "Silver", her previous rank.According to my report, the "End Of Pay Period (EOP) Cycle" was on April 30, 2014. I understood this to
mean that we are paid the following month for work done in the previous calendar month. Is that correct? So can you answer my question as to why a status and bonus was removed if it was achieved within the said pay period? I see nothing that indicates "extended till May 15, 2014".
I have been told numerous times that once a rank is achieved it cannot be taken away. The only thing I see within the compensation plan to back up this response is if they were referring to page 12 of the Company Compensation Plan. (see image below).
Please note that it refers to "in a given month" which I understand to be thirty days.
3. Qualifications for "Gold Ambassador" according to page 4 of the PXXXXX COMPENSATION PLAN as written on April 30, 2014 (see image below).
According to the above mentioned "Pxxxxx Compensation Plan" page 4, all said requirements were met. On April 30, 2014, Ambassador #00000 personally sponsored and maintained 15 Qualified Ambassadors (well over the required 3), 100 points within her organization, and had 75 points outside primary leg (well over the 15 requirement) as well as $1,942.45 in personal volume.
HERE IS THE DISCREPANCY:According to an email received by Ambassador xxxxxx from Pxxxx commissions department (with no point of contact or reference person) on May 29, 2014, almost 2 weeks after initial inquiry, the reason status was revoked was due to the return of an order from Ambassador #000000 on May 12, 2014 resulting in a loss of 5 points for APRIL production.
From: Commissions Pxxxxx Worldwide <commissions Thu, May 29, 2014 6:31 pm
Subject: RE: Why did I go from Gold back to silver when it showed I hit Gold!!!
Hello xxxxxxxx,Thank you for contacting us regarding your rank, we apologize for the delay in responding. We understand your frustration, however, points and rank can be affect the commission month by activity in your dowline after month end. This can be a result of refunds, declined payment for orders, or backup order turned on and off (resulting in compression or decompression).
It is difficult to identify exactly how the change occurred, but we were able to identify a possible explanation .xxxxx xxxxxx, your level 2 ambassador, refunded her order dated April 25, 2024 on May 12th. This resulted in a 5 point deficit from your total points. There may be other adjustments that occurred as well, but this is the first instance we could identify. We wish we could have a more favorable reply. Please let us know if you have any further questions.Thank you,Commissions Department
Herein lies the confusion. On April 30, 2014 in the original report (which I do not have access to), Ambassador #xxxxxxx was active with Auto Qualification on and her order was posted. HOWEVER, that order was refused on MAY 3, 2014 and credited back to her on May 12, 2014, all of which occurred AFTER April 30, 2014, EOP - end of pay period.
Furthermore, Ambassador #xxxxxx and myself received a letter from ambassador relations (again,with no point of contact or reference person) on May 30, 2014 stating that "the compensation plan is not specific". REALLY? I had to re-read this several times to be sure I read it correctly as I have never in my life received such an unprofessional, lackadaisical response from what is supposed to be a professional company!
In addition, the response further states that "An Ambassador must maintain their rank until commissions have been finalized to advance to the next rank". Where in the Pxxxxx compensation plan does it say THAT?
The compensation plan repeatedly refers to everything within a 30 (not 45) day time period. I have attached a copy of the Plexus Worldwide Compensation Plan for your review. I hope you will be able to direct me to the documentation within the compensation plan that states "POINTS AND RANK CAN AFFECT THE COMMISSION MONTH BY ACTIVITY IN YOUR DOWNLINE AFTER MONTH END", AND "AN AMBASSADOR MUST MAINTAIN THEIR RANK UNTIL COMMISSIONS HAVE BEEN FINALIZED TO ADVANCE TO THE NEXT RANK" AS WELL AS THE DATE COMMISSIONS ARE FINALIZED.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to your prompt response regarding this matter.
July 21, 2014 Company responds to detailed letter sent July 19
Date:Mon, 21 Jul 2014
From: Commissions Pxxxxx Worldwide
Hello Janie,
Thank you for contacting us, we apologize for any delays in responding. We realize the amount of time this situation has taken
you to provide such detailed explanations. Please be assured that your situation is being reviewed and discussed with management and the appropriate departments, and a response to your requests will soon be forthcoming.
Thank you,Commissions Department
STEP 14: August 13, 2014 I respond to Plexus since I have heard nothing since July 21
Subject: Re: Compensation Plan IssueDate: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 To: Commissions
This has been going on for almost three months. How "soon" is "soon be forthcoming"?
Finally a response... August 20, 2014
RE: Compensation Plan IssueDate:Wed, 20 Aug 2014
From: Commissions Worldwide
Thank you once again for your stellar patience In regards to your questions. The compensation plan is a complex system, and our systems analysts were contacted in regards to explaining specific criteria that our system is based on.
There are a couple of instances that can result in a reduction of points.
One reason is due to customer/ambassador refunds. If a refund for an order in the commission month occurs after the end of the month, it will affect the previous month. A refund will reduce PV, and if an ambassador in your downline falls below 100, you will not receive points for that ambassador. Please refer to the Plexus Policies and Procedures Section 6, L (Returns, Refunds, and Exchanges).
An attachment to this email highlights this section. (see below)
Another reason is due to compression and pay levels. If an ambassador's backup order was off during the month, which they would not be commission qualified, their downline ambassadors would become a higher PAY LEVEL for the upline sponsors. When the ambassador turns their backup order on after month end but before commissions are finalized, they become commission qualified and their downline ambassadors return to their respecive pay levels.
We certainly understand your disappointment in this situation. There is a lot of activity occurring after month end until commissions are
finalized, and points and rank are not final until commissions have been committed. We recommend saving a copy of your genealogy report on the last day of the month, and if there are any changes when we process commissions the following month, you can determine what caused the changes.The date commissions are finalized varies. Commissions are paid out on the 15th of the month, and if the 15th is a weekday, processing begins a few days before. If the 15th falls on a weekend, commissions are processed earlier so that payments can be sent the Friday before.
In regards to rank increases, an ambassador may reach all necessary requirements for a certain rank within the monthly cycle. The system will show that they reached that rank on their weekly financial reports, but if their points fall below the minimum requirements due to one of the reasons above, they system will recognize this when commissions are processed, and will determine their true rank at which point the rank will return back to the rank the ambassador held.
We truly understand your frustration and confusion, as the programming in our system is very complex, and details of our compensation plan are not easy to explain. Once again, thank you so much for your patience and all the time you spent trying to resolve these issues.
Thank you,Commissions Department

Hmmm.... wonder what prompted THAT? LOL

NOW.... Let's fast forward to August 15, 2014
Remember all the "drink pink and shrink"?
Weight loss?
Don't have to change a thing?
Keep reading......
August 15, 2014: SD (my upline) posts on Facebook about a “Microwave Society” that I found to be very judgemental and rude, not to mention a total controversy to "That's the beauty of P Janie, you don't have to change a thing".
So, I asked her why (of course I knew why). Anyone who doesn't LOVE the product is the "bad" guy. Bet you don't see negative reviews on their website!
It does however, puzzle me why a company who is "rockin' the pink drink" (and their highly esteemed diamond ambassadors) would be so worried about one little blog with no advertisers or followers. Hmmmmm
Oh, and this little ditty.... LOL
What I'm saying is, it does NOT work for the majority. I asked a question / made a comment to this post that you referenced as “a very bitter comment on MY wall”.
The post was removed upon receipt of this email.
I heard nothing more from SD until.....
After that, I KNEW it was time...
Time to let go of Plxxxxx and the hopes and
dreams that came with it.
To apologize publicly to the people
who trusted me and my credibility enough
to try the product and/or business opportunity.
Keep reading.....
A short excerpt from a training in Denver, CO:
(Start video at 5:21)

Are you beginning to understand the stupidity and ignorance of this nightmare?
Never have I experienced a company with such lack of professionalism.
STEP 15: August 21, 2014 I respond to company's explanation above
Re: Compensation Plan Issue
Date:Thu, 21 Aug 2014
Thank you for your reply. However, you continue to avoid the question which is...
Everything I have read says "thirty days", "within 30 day period", "month's end", "EOP Cycle xxxx", etc. Nowhere in the Policies and Procedures or the compensation plan does it state WHEN the "CLOSE OF COMMISSIONS PERIOD" is, AKA: CLOSE DATE of commission period.
RE: points and rank are not final until commissions have been committed. We recommend saving a copy of your genealogy report on the last day of the month, and if there are any changes when we process commissions the following month, you can determine what caused the changes.
Would you mind explaining "points and rank are not final until commissions have been committed"? What?
As to the comment of saving a copy of genealogy report, I wish I had. I didn't consider at that time that I would need to as I trusted Pxxxxx to be a company of integrity, however, I have since learned the importance of saving EVERYTHING, and I have.
On the many occasions I contacted customer service, they saw the report as it was on April 30 through May 14, and said "yes I see she was GOLD rank" so I know it is accessible if it needs to be.
As I have stated over the past THREE AND A HALF MONTHS this has been without a definitive answer.
I have been in sales for over 30 years, including other MLM's. In ANY of them, I was paid on my volume at month end. For example, whatever reflected at the end of pay period (April 30) I was paid commission on the 15th of the following month. If there were returns within that following month, they were deducted from THAT month's production/volume and reflected on the paycheck the 15th of the following month.
All I ever wanted from you was an answer to my above mentioned question so the ambassador and I could understand. No one could give that to me and THREE MONTHS later you still can't answer that question,
Janie Wilson
I never received a reply.
It is important to note a few things before we proceed.....
No one ever gave me a straight answer on the compensation issue and their ignorance to the situation proved to me they didn't know the answer. So their response was the classic "stand off" in hopes I would go away.
They have since CHANGED the compensation plan.....
"Starting on October 31st, we are calculating commissions on a calendar month end. You will no longer have to worry about your pay points fluctuating day to day after the month has ended. Rank Achievements will be locked in."
Hmmm.... wonder what prompted THAT? LOL
I based my decision to join the company on the following:
- I was told this was a business that could be done online, (by SD) and she achieved her rank of “Emerald” through Facebook alone.
- I asked if I needed to follow a certain program to lose weight and was told (again by SD) “Oh no! That's the beauty of Plexus Janie, you don't change a thing!”
- It was advertised all over Facebook to simply “drink pink and shrink”. Even the corporate welcome page states “Lose weight faster than you ever imagined”. (More about this under the tab "DRINK PINK AND SHRINK, REALLY?)
Imagine my surprise when all of a sudden it became about “health” and not “weight loss”. It was the efficacy of the "pink drink" that brought them success or so I was told.
When the product was not working for me or my customers, I asked for advice on what to do, but was met with indecisive avoidance. “Oh, well, I don't have that happen, wow”, etc. Never could get a straight answer.
Thus I began my journey for the truth that ended in the termination of my position.
I joined P October 2013, but I was not having results from the product and neither were my customers. I could not figure it out, even after asking my upline, SD directly. As you can see from the images below, no one ever gave me a straight answer about this or anything else, EVER. The slogan was "drink pink and shrink".... the only thing that shrunk was my business.

As you can see, I never got a straight answer, even when I asked specifically if a product had changed (April 16, 2014).
As you can see, I never got a straight answer, even when I asked specifically if a product had changed (April 16, 2014).
As I searched for others who were having the same no results experience, I discovered the pink drink had changed! Here's the proof. In the photo below of the old formula (left) - new formula (right), notice the changes on labels:
- No green coffee beans in old formula, there is in new formula.
- Does not say "health" formula on new formula as it does old.
- Old formula was free of caffeine and stimulants - new formula does not state that.
- Old formula consisted of CHLOROGENIC ACID (plant extract), CITRIN K (Garcinia Cambogia), Alpha Lipoic Acid, Oxpregnane Steroidal Glycoside(plant extract), and Chromium (amino nicotinate GTF), none of which are present in new formula, but no one was told it was changed.
NOW.... Let's fast forward to August 15, 2014
Remember all the "drink pink and shrink"?
Weight loss?
Don't have to change a thing?
Keep reading......
August 15, 2014: SD (my upline) posts on Facebook about a “Microwave Society” that I found to be very judgemental and rude, not to mention a total controversy to "That's the beauty of P Janie, you don't have to change a thing".
So, I respond to it on her page with the truth as I knew it...
She was livid that I spoke the truth and kicked me out of her groups and unfriended me on Facebook.
So, I asked her why (of course I knew why). Anyone who doesn't LOVE the product is the "bad" guy. Bet you don't see negative reviews on their website!
Subject: Re: What's wrong? Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 From: Janie Wilson To: SD
SD, honey, that's all you've EVER said. I have never been able to get a direct answer from you or anyone at Pxxxxx on various issues.
I hoped and prayed it would work, you know I did. But it got to the point I felt like a liar and I shared that with you. My credibility is shot.
And when I see posts day after day and videos stabbing at people because they aren't doing "enough" or doing it "right", I find that very hurtful, as well as the lack of interest and help for the issue with xxxxx. What was written on your wall was a mass statement where you indicated ambassadors were being "weeded out", which you and I both know isn't true.
That may not have been the place, but you opened the door, which is why I responded. I'm sorry if it was hurtful. And no, I don't want to be a member of the group. I was going to remove myself because it breaks my heart to watch what I see as deception and desperation. Only God truly knows hearts and motives and I leave that with Him.
I don't have to explain to you either, but I choose to because I loved you, I believed you, I trusted you.
Her response....
As per the request of Ms. D and her attorney, I have removed some images. Again, just like when I was terminated from this company, it was "alleged" yet no "proof" was given to me. Furthermore, it is requested if anyone in cyber space has posted any of the images from this blog regarding sweet little diamond ambassadors, you are to remove them as well. LOL
It does however, puzzle me why a company who is "rockin' the pink drink" (and their highly esteemed diamond ambassadors) would be so worried about one little blog with no advertisers or followers. Hmmmmm
It's pretty obvious by the testimonials they work so hard to hide that the product nor the results are what they once were. However, these leaders with "high standards of ethics and integrity" continued to sponsor people (like me) allowing them to base decisions on false evidence and a product that no longer existed.
Below are the videos I watched in October 2013 that played a large part in my decision to join the company Oct. 15, 2013. However, by November 2013 they changed the accelerator (no one bothered to mention that during my decision process) and the pink drink formula changed as well. Go figure.
Testimonial Video (on the corporate website at the time)
Opportunity "What If" video (also on the corporate website at the time, however I just noticed that is was actually from 2012!)
Product Presentation with Sonya Dudley (still showing all over the internet by the way. even though that product no longer exists... but nobody's saying that)
Oh, and this little ditty.... LOL
Oh, it was an experience alright.... not sure my word for it would be "magical".
I learned my suspicions were true... the product was NOT working for the majority!
The diamonds knew it and that's when the talk turned from "drink pink and shrink" to "let's get healthy" and "gut health".
It wasn't so much the change in product at this point, but the lies, deception and massive cover up by the "jewels", aka: leaders. You know, the ones with so much "integrity"?
********************************************************************************************The diamonds knew it and that's when the talk turned from "drink pink and shrink" to "let's get healthy" and "gut health".
It wasn't so much the change in product at this point, but the lies, deception and massive cover up by the "jewels", aka: leaders. You know, the ones with so much "integrity"?
"Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall".
Proverbs 16:18
This was my last email to SD explaining why her Facebook post (Microwave Society above) was offensive. It has been alleged she refers to this as me "going off on her big time".
The Facebook post again:
I am ASTOUNDED at the people who buy our products and after 30 days or even 60 days give up.... Crazy how folks will not give natural products that kind of grace. We expect to take a pill or 2 and BE FIXED.
Not necessarily. But P is HEAVILY promoted all over the internet for quick weight loss, which is what most people EXPECT . Why? Because P promotes it that way. DIRECTLY FROM Pxxxxx WORLDWIDE WEBSITE:
Experience the powerful one-two punch of taking Plexus Slim and Accelerator+. With the synergistic effect of taking these two products together, you lose more weight—faster than you ever thought possible!
With their proprietary blend of high-quality ingredients, Plexus Slim and Accelerator+ work synergistically to burn unwanted fat, balance blood sugar levels and decrease your appetite. All this in a quick and healthy manner.
Taken together, Plexus Slim and Accelerator+ may positively impact and change your life. In addition to losing weight, you will experience more energy and better health. Take control and make a dramatic change in your life today.
Some people cannot afford to keep going with something that isn't working for them. It has a SIXTY day money back guarantee, which to most indicates you should see results in that time frame. If I try something and don't see the advertised results, I wouldn't continue either. Nowhere does it say, “now give it a year to work”. Nope, what it says is, “you lose more weight—faster than you ever thought possible!”
what is being patient and trying natural products,
Plexus can't be categorized as “natural” because it isn't. It is “MOSTLY” natural.
be WILLING to change them up, work with your ambassador to help you GET it RIGHT... It may take TIME (you have that if you are alive). OH WELL, what if it takes 9 months to GET IT RIGHT???
According to what you told me Oct 2013, we didn't need to follow any kind of special program, that was the “beauty” of Plexus. (I have that conversation recorded so I'll put in on an mp3 and send it if you want). It was supposed to take away the cravings, appetite, etc.
And it BLOWS my mind even more when folks seem desperate and I mean crying desperate to feel good, even lose the weight but yet they continue to EAT SUGAR, PROCESSED FOODS , DRINK SODAS AND NO WATER and NO EXERCISE to speed up the inside out healing.... REALLY hard for my loving and caring heart to have any sympathy for those folks.
And NOW it's hard for your loving and caring heart to have any sympathy? I have recently learned there was a different formulation of the slim that changed as I came into Plexus. Hmmm. I was never told about that one. MY experience is that for most, the current slim does not have the success rate the original did. You are welcome to do your own research.
Anyone who eats right, exercises, drinks water like they should is going to lose weight anyway. Why do they need Plexus?
Look around at the sickness, illnesses and diseases and you wonder why it is raging..... We ARE what we eat and I believe that now MORE than ever......I realize there may be a tiny percentage that have done their part truly 100% and still struggle, I get that....BUT for the other 97%, We are weeding out lots of ambassadors and customers now who are in this category of not helping themselves ALL they could, who were looking for that 1-2 mth quick fix and not doing THEIR part and my passion is to look for the folks who are WILLING to change and get healthy and are looking for some great supplements to ASSIST them by helping with their blood sugar leveling and inflammation in their bodies. To TRULY TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR OWN LIFE AND HEALTH....It is time we GET REAL!
Would you please RE-READ this entire paragraph out LOUD to yourself? It comes across as pretty judgemental and hateful.
We are weeding out lots of ambassadors and customers now
“We are weeding out” WE.
weed out somebody/something also weed somebody/something outto remove someone or something not wanted The school needs to weed out wasteful spending. You need to be able to weed people out if they can't do a good job.
who are in this category of not helping themselves ALL they could, who were looking for that 1-2 mth quick fix and not doing THEIR part
Seriously? Not helping themselves ALL they could? Looking for a “quick fix”? Not doing “THEIR part”? You have NO IDEA what someone's circumstances are and this is CLEARLY a judgement!
and my passion is to look for the folks who are WILLING to change and get healthy and are looking for some great supplements to ASSIST them by helping with their blood sugar leveling and inflammation in their bodies.
Last time I checked we could not make these claims that Plexus could help with their “blood sugar leveling and inflammation in their bodies”. People may be “WILLING to change and get healthy”, but that doesn't mean if they don't see results with Plexus they aren't WILLING.
Really? “REAL” for me is that it doesn't work for the majority. And we BOTH know if it did the numbers would not be dropping like they are.
Regarding your comment to me that “35 customers is a bit extreme when thousands are having results”. My bad, it was 39 ORDERS, only one out of 24 (not 35) customers remains. This is not reflective of all the 3 and 7 day trials I handed out with no results.
What I'm saying is, it does NOT work for the majority. I asked a question / made a comment to this post that you referenced as “a very bitter comment on MY wall”.
If the product is working like it's supposed to, or for the majority, then why are the points so low? It's not due to “leveling” we both know that.
I would never respond to a post in a negative manner without being provoked. No, I was not provoked by anger, I was provoked by hurt and disappointment that you would say such a thing. I think if you re-read your post you will understand.
I heard nothing more from SD until.....
There was another Facebook post and when I saw it,
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
I couldn't believe what I was reading and WHO posted it, because I knew the truth.
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
I couldn't believe what I was reading and WHO posted it, because I knew the truth.
After that, I KNEW it was time...
Time to let go of Plxxxxx and the hopes and
dreams that came with it.
To apologize publicly to the people
who trusted me and my credibility enough
to try the product and/or business opportunity.
It must have REALLY hit a nerve, as I believe it to be the basis on which I was terminated, although no one showed me the "disparaging comments" for my termination.
But they did a "THOROUGH investigation".
Yeah right, what a joke. The truth is, a diamond whined to the right people and THAT is their "thorough" investigation.
But they did a "THOROUGH investigation".
Yeah right, what a joke. The truth is, a diamond whined to the right people and THAT is their "thorough" investigation.
Keep reading.....
It has been alleged, after a thorough investigation, that this diamond referred to me as a "nut job", "trouble" and "scary" to the corporate compliance department. Furthermore it is speculated that the compliance department was very reassuring that I would never know who "turned me in". What the heck was I turned in for to begin with? Being a "nut job"? Clearly this is a violation of "Code of Ethics" in the Policies and Procedures....
I will conduct my business in an honest, ethical manner at all times.I will not make disparaging remarks about Company Worldwide Inc., its products, officers, employees and Ambassadors. As well as, other products, services, or companies; likewise, I will not willfully denigrate the activities or personalities of fellow Independent Ambassadors. Any violation of the above ethics is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of the Ambassadorship.
OH WAIT! I forgot... diamonds are exempt.
Guess it's all about their "INTEGRITY".
Speaking of Integrity....
(Start video at 5:21)
Then on Thursday Oct 2, 2014 I tried to log into my back office / account and could not access it. I was concerned why I couldn't so I sent customer service and SD an email asking if they may know why...
Subject: Why can't I log in?
Fri, 03 Oct 2014
I am not able to log into my Plexus account. I have not resigned or joined another companyso I am a bit puzzled by this. Can someone please explain? Also, was removed from the Plexus Compliance group on Facebook - again no reason. Thank you for your prompt reply.

I soon receive an email (two of them in fact) stating I'm terminated...
By the way, if we have to fax our termination with the company to them, shouldn't they do the same?
Okay, this is about to get hysterical... you ready?
I get a response on Oct 3, 2014, the same day I sent in question ~ never got a reply that fast! I thought the turn around time was 3 months at least. You know, based on my own experience of asking questions in the past...
Notice the "Ticket number" on this one is QSZ-270-32037.
So, of course I write back asking specifically why....
Are you sitting down? Here is the lame response.....
Ticket number still QSZ-270-32037.

Does this make sense at all?

I was never contacted, nobody checked to see if these allegations were true and refused to show me the proof of the "disparaging remarks" for which I was terminated.
I never received a warning, not even a termination phone call or letter. I have nothing except the email responding to my inquiry as to why I could not access my back office.
Where is the integrity? The ethics? The "doing network marketing as it could be and should be done".
Here's my opinion....
Ms. SD got her panties in a wad when I called her on that facebook post. But what REALLY ticked her off, was when I
used her integrity post. I think she felt the sting of reality for just a minute, reminding her of what she is not. So that in a nutshell was my nightmare on Pink Street. Stay tuned... more to follow.
So, was it or was it not about weight loss?
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